Flickr makes it easy to follow how visual artists and graphic designers are responding to the growing BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Here is a roundup of some of the more powerful logos featuring birds. As I mentioned in a previous post, I'm struck by how images of the spill (like other spills) tend to focus on the impact of the oil on birds, with common birds (like gulls) being featured less frequently than rare species. But there have been plenty of images of dead dolphins. I've seen one of dead jelly fish and even a gripping image of an oiled dragonfly.
The LA Times has this powerful review of images of the spill.
Anyway; on to the roundup of revisions to the BP logo (involving birds):
above image from
above image from
above image from
above image posted by Flickr user "jaredwrightus"
above image posted by Flickr user "Jeff-Frost"
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